This blog provides insights on making your day richer by consciously controlling your thoughts. The things that are described in this blog helped me overcome my own stress and anxiety upto an extend. As mentioned in my about page, I love reading self improvement books, and in this pandemic situation I dedicated my free time for reading a bunch of these books such as Secret by Rhonda Byrne, ATTITUDE is everything by Jeff Keller, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, The monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma to name a few books which influenced me highly. The review of these books can be found in book review section soon…
My intention is not to write review of these books in this blog, rather I would like to share tips that I got from these books so that if anybody is getting benefited out of it I will be honoured.
There is a saying “Your decision today will define your tomorrow”. We all agree that how true it is. In a way, each moment is passing through our choices of our thoughts. Research shows that there is 60k – 80k thoughts a day. That means almost 2500 to 3300 thoughts per hour. so think about this. Our ‘now’ is decided by the thought that went through a fraction of second back within us. How do we feel a day completely depends on the connection of dots between these thoughts. isn’t it? Each moment we are making a choice. For example, think that your neighbour or someone whom you know just passed in front of you without giving a smile. Now your thought can decide how your emotion towards that event can be. You might think that he/she has some dislike against you for not smiling, or you can just think that he/she might be in a hurry because of which he/she missed to notice you. One thought is negative and other is positive. When you meet him/her next time, if your earlier thought was positive you will talk to him/her gracefully without any hesitation. if you earlier thought was negative you will slightly hesitate at first until you get clarity on your thought. right? So the point here is that if you go dive into thoughts or in other words if the thoughts are controlling you it can completely ruin our day.
In this pandemic situation, there are many issues that we go through personally and professionally especially when there is need to stay at home for safety. The magic of life is we all have problems. We cannot find any individual without any problems. In a way that is life. But the severity depends on how we approach these problems. For example if a costly laptop is broken , rather than grieving about it, if we manage to cool ourself down and approach it gently, we will have thousands of ways to come out of it. Again our thoughts are controlling us in dealing with the problem. When we approach it with tension, it leads to stress and these negative thoughts create negative emotions too, thereby making ourselves completely down. So it is important to control our thoughts to lead a happy life. Rather than thoughts controlling us, we should learn how we can control our thoughts.This is one of the most important thing I learnt during this pandemic. It improved me a lot from a person who I was to who I am today. Still the journey is on. Because managing or controlling our thoughts is not an easy job.
Here are few tips to manage the thoughts.
Make a habit of waking up early and rather than directly switching to your attention to mobile, spend your time in elevating your day by spending few minutes – say 20 minutes of your day for dedicating only to yourself. How? A few minutes for planning your day, A few minutes for setting up a goal (personal or professional) and also follow few things which are listed below.
Start a day with a smile: Go in front of a mirror, affirm yourself with positive thoughts and give yourself a hug and smile. This is a great way to start your day freshly. I know you may feel its funny but this add a bit to make your day beautiful.
Meditation: Doing meditation helps to gain focus, control and very importantly to start a day positively. whenever you are feeling down, go and try sitting in silence for few minutes by listening to music or by following a guided meditation on youtube. The one which I follow for meditation is Boho Beautiful Yoga
Conquer the negative thoughts and switch to positive thoughts: There will be many scenarios in our day today life where we think negatively. But as and when the negative thoughts kick in, talk to your mind and affirm that feeling and try to control it. There were many situations wherein I thought I am lost. In those situations I talked to my mind and convinced that I am sole responsible for this situation because my thoughts created these emotions and its subsequent actions. I affirm that I don’t want my body and mind to be in the current negative situation because each moment is precious and our life is too short. Most of the times I am successful in coming out of it with this new fresh thought and it improves my mood too. Give a try next time when you feel down.
All of these self improvement books almost talks about the same, but communicates differently with different tips and tricks. But what I experience is that these books definitely help us in charge ourselves with positive thoughts. If you cannot read books, listen to any motivation speech 15 minutes a day, that will sure have effect on your mood.
Give your valuable feedback in comments section and let me know if anybody is going through any negative situation in life, I can definitely try helping you through life coaching. You can leave a message to my email – for conversation to begin.