Is there any great achievements in this world which has popped out blindly? No, all the great achievements were once someone’s dream or intense desire. what is the difference between desire and wish? Though both looks same,There is big difference between these two. When we wish for something, we are not sure whether we can achieve it. Bur when we have a desire in mind, we are sure that we are going receive this one day with this intense belief we set goal and act towards it. isn’t it?
Well, my last blog was about how important it is to control our thoughts. But what happens if you don’t act on our desires. Any action that we do is based on our thoughts isn’t it? Thoughts leads to action and if the thoughts are controlled and refined, it leads to more valuable actions. These many years, I was seriously thinking about doing something really meaningful in my life. Like many of you, I never took any action and always blamed or self convinced by saying no time left to put aside for that journey in my busy life. But reading those bunch of books that I mentioned in the earlier blog changed my outlook towards the life.
I was a night-owl and due to this, I was never able to wake up early. I know most of the people are like me on this. But now I change my habit a little and started waking up at 5:30AM. I have to change this to 5 AM soon, so that I can be in the 5AM club. The benefit of waking up before dawn has been mentioned by many wise and elderly people, but at that time I defy it gently thinking that there is no difference whether we wake up early or sleep late. But now I started feeling the difference. first few minutes of early hour is dedicated in planning the day. This helps in having clarity on your todo things on that day and revisiting that previous day plan on next day, helps us to incorporate incomplete things to include on the following day. At first we may feel like what is the need to write it down . But once you start doing , within a week I guarantee that you feel the difference. Thanks to Robin Sharma’s “Monk who sold his Ferrari” for these tips.
If you have a dream and if there is no action, then it just becomes a day dream. isn’t it? Let that action be very tiny, doesn’t matter at all. Because most important thing is to start with something. How do you make sure that you are on track with your dream or vision? This is where goal setting is important. When you set a goal with specific target date and have a plan on doing small or big action towards achieving that goal, the outcome is definite. Visualising everyday that you have achieved your dream already is a strong tool to convince your mind to achieve these goals
There are many people who says they don’t have any dream in their life. But my dear friends … each and every person is gifted with unique talents, its just that due to our external circumstances or your limited beliefs are holding you back. Better late than never, just go in silence for few minutes each day or in solitude, talk to your mind and unleash your potential.
Remember- Taj Mahal is also built brick by brick . So are you ready ?
As always give your valuable feedback in comments section and let me know if anybody wants help in setting goals and for keeping track of that goal. I can definitely try helping you through life coaching. You can leave a message to my email – for conversation to begin.
I am influenced by the early wake up concept which is something I never did, though I am not a night owl :-). A must try !
Though its difficult in the first few weeks, it’s a such nice experience once it becomes a habit. You should try it, I am going include more info on my next blog
Beautiful write up Jimsha, so many take away’s here. You should write more often
Thank you Kishine for this wonderful comment. 🙂
Very nice Jimsha, Keep Rocking all the best.
Great write-up Jimsha.👍